2016-03-02 - Physics Interest


~5.8 miles @ ~12.0 min/mi

"Give me two days, and I can get interested in anything!" Dr Beth says. "That's a physicist talking!" I reply, applauding intellectual curiosity. Conversation random-walks into metaphors and category theory, calculus of variations and path-integral methods, wave-particle duality, and how some folks are more open than others to new ideas. It's a brisk morning, with gusts up to 30+ mi/hour. With the wind in our faces Beth notes, "We really are running downhill now!" though it feels otherwise.

Kristin leads a dawn loop when my headlamp fails. She shares some expertise on rap music and suggests a list of gentler, more easy-listening and less-edgy artists for the novice in that genre. Social Distortion's 1990 song "Story of My Life" plays on the antique mental eight-track. Birds chirp, the sunrise glows, and the scent of donuts cooking drifts across the street from Safeway.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-03-17